We have all had the problem of having guest who just won't leave. The Dutch, being the ruthless, blatantly forward races of peoples that they are, have found a solution: the "op-rot koffie".
Telling someone to "rot op" basically is the same as telling someone to fuck off. It would get you fired if you said this to your boss. I know this because, I once saw it happening. Another temporary worker in a kitchen asked me where something was, and I pointed him to the wrong thing, so he went back to our boss who told him to ask me again. Instead of asking me again, he told the boss to "rot up". She told him to "rot op", and we never saw him again (most probably without pay for at least a few hours of work). So, we can conclude by this anecdote that telling someone to "rot op" is not at all polite. However, telling someone that you are going to serve an op-rot koffie is perfectly acceptable.
Basically, telling someone to rot op is like telling them to fuck off, only without being quite as crude.

*note: this may have to do with the fact that Dutch people traditionally have been known as the world's biggest coffee drinkers. Although, this was not entirely accurate as in recent years, consumption of coffee in Holland has fallen, and the number one country of coffee drinkers is now the nation of Scandanavia) (However, it would make more sense for Scandavians to have "op-rot rape-and-pillaging" or "op-rot healthcare")
So, next time you have a guest who just won't leave, tell them you are serving an op-rot coffee. You may have to explain what it means at first, but they will definitely get the point across.

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