Don't worry, this sounds like a mash-up word of "poo" and "boogers", but that will be a future installment. The Dutch word "Puber" probably has the same etymological roots as pubic, and related words, which are all medical terms for dirty bits of anoatomy. Looking back, these words both made you want to giggle when your friends said it, and cringe when your teachers and parents said it. Urghh. what an awful time.
It was even more awful because I grew up in an English speaking country, but with Dutch parents at home. They would often talk about me as a poober, saying I was acting in this way because I was a poober, that I should stop being such a typical poober, poober poober poober. And all I could think, as a native English-speaking teenager was "Dad, stop talking about my pubes!"
Of course, I didn't quite understand that the Dutch word puber has no other embarrassing words. However, the link has stayed with me. It still shocks me when I hear Dutch teenagers freely talk about themselves as poobers.
However, Dutch teens seem to be much more relaxed than I was (although this probably says much more about me than them), and I think English-speaking teens should wrestle the root-word of "pubic" from the lame adults who try to address them. Because, the Weekly Gazelle advocates any incentive to get an immature giggle from anatomy-related words. (see zwaffle, kwak, moose foot, talking cunt, freedom, etc...)
Example Sentence:
"Poobers are always thinking about freedom"