As a Dutch person, I look for any possible way to insult the neighbours to the West. it is my constitutional duty. So I have been waiting for more than half a year for Belguim to do something relevant so I could topically introduce this Gazelle-ish word of the week. However, quite unsurpisingly, they haven't done anything worth talking about. Sure, there has massive political unrest, but this is Belgium we are talking about - that's nothing new. So without any provocation, let's proceed.
Belgium is not only Holland's inferior little brother, but it is also a siamese twin. There is the French half, Wallonia and the Dutch half Flanders. They are always fighting and bickering, which is actually where the concept for the film Stuck on You came from.

So anyway, Flanders is spelled "Vlaanderen", and a person from Flanders is called a "Vlaming". This is just begging to be an English adjective for this half of Belgium. While all people from Belgium are "belgsch", we can break it down even further. Divide and conquer.
Generallly speaking, Vlaming Belgsch's are known to be ant fuckers with the Dutch language. They somehow consider themselves to be the true keepers of the language, as if they are like the Knights Templar or the Amish. If it sounds a bit childish, it's because they do sound childish. Adorable, but childish.
Of course, there is a small part of the Netherlands which is vlaming too, but we won't hold it against them. Oh wait, yes we will. At least until they all decide to just merge with Holland, at which point we will only make a little less fun of them.

Example Sentences:
Here is a list of famous people from Flanders.
Kim Clijsters (A vlaming tennis player)
Peter Paul Rubens (A vlaming artist)
This guy, a vlaming singer called Will Ferdy was also apparently a vlaming homo.

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