The etymology of this word is from "kak", meaning shit, and literally it means "shit-soiled". However, it now more commonly denotes rich people, and the way they act and especially how they talk. Sure, this might accurately be translated to "snobby", but it is much more fun to refer to them with a word synonymous with poo. Despite this, it is a relatively tame insult that isn't really insulting to many people. Rich Dutch people apparently know that they are full of shit.
Despite the Netherlands being such a small country, there are so many distinct accents. It must be almost as wide and varying as England - whose own version of a bekakked accent might be Royal Queen's English, BBC English, or Oxford English. While I am unable to distinguish many different Dutch accents - let alone identify them - bekakked accents are often as obvious as the nose on their face which they hold up high.
Because parody is an exaggeration of truth, here is a parody of Queen Beatrix, the Divine ruler of Holland.
Compare that to this parody of Prince Charles. It's nice to know that stupid, annoying richness doesn't know any borders.
While being bekakked is often betrayed by one's speech, it is much more than audible. For many it is a way of life. A boring, annoying, way of life... Users of the bekakked accent usually have two first names (for example, Hans-Peter), and often have a proclivity for pink dress-shirts, golfing sweaters tied around their necks, and having faces that for some reason you would like to punch in the mouth. You too ladies: Women are also highly capable of being bekakked. Here is an image of two such fine specimens.

Bonus: A person who is bekakked is called a "kakker", which I suppose means "one who shits". It also has the added bonus of having the same pattern and rhythm as a certain six-letter word that is highly offensive to a certain demographic, if you see where I am going... But stupid rich people deserve it.
Example sentence:
"She's becoming so bekakked that she is starting to shit from her mouth."
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