Sukkel is another Dutch word which can be used as an effective insult, but doesn't necessarily have to be. It isn't a particularly stinging insult, but the nature of the word makes it a great way to kick somebody who is already on the ground. The nuances of the word suckel might best be explained by certain scenarios.
Scenario One: The chronic sukkel
Some people are just born sukkels. They are people who, no matter what they seem to do, bad luck will follow them. However, at a certain point, you begin to lose pity for them. I mean, "the only common demominator from all your bad luck is you", right? And who knows, maybe these people want to keep up their sukkel-ing ways. The most classic example of a chronic sukkel would be William H. Macy from the movie, The Cooler. Bernie Lootz is such a sukkel, that he is employed by a casino owner to walk around the casino and 'cool down' people with a hot hand. Of course, he is such a sukkel that after a while, he can't even be a sukkel anymore.

Scenario two: The klutz.
This one is pretty simple. It is hard to have pity for people who break your stuff, no matter how sorry they are.

Scenario three: The wimp
The coward is a classic sukkel, and gives anecdotal evidence that sukkeling is a character flaw rather than unavoidable bad luck. This video is of a sukkel at a baseball game who dodges the ball coming towards him, letting it hit his girlfriend instead.
Notice the way that the girlfriend doesn't appear to be angry at him. She is a sukkel too.
Scenario four: The easy victim
For some people, it is just too easy.

Scenario five: The pussy-whipped guy
This is related to scenario four, and is often the most tragic form of sukkel-ism. You know, the guy who changes everything in his life for a girl. You know, the guy who disowns all their old friends, stops drinking beer, and starts wearing pleated pants? We all know someone like that. This form of social-castration is all the more tragic as it is brought on by somebody else.

Of course, there are different levels of being pussy-whipped, but all of them makes you a sukkel. If you help an ex-girlfriend move your old furniture into her new boyfriend's house, you're a sukkel. If you see a girl on the side of the highway with a broken down car and you stop to help, you're a sukkel. If you pay a stripper a tenner for a lap dance and she doesn't even show partial nipple, you're a sukkel.
Hopefully, you have understood the different forms of sukkels in the world, and if you haven't, send me 10 dollars and I will explain it to you. (Sukkels)
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