Noun: A homeless person, a drifter, a hobo, a dakless
Keeping with a recent theme (and with writing about what you know best), is another posting about describing homelessness. Swerver is a slightly more nuanced word, proving that the Dutch can also be subtle and victims to politically correct left-wing censorship. However, the word "zwerver" sounds like a great way to describe people who have gone off life's proverbial rails, someone who has lost their way, someone who has gone off track.
In a very relavant but non-humorous segue, here is a brilliant song by a truly underrated reggae singer, Nasio Fontaine.
Having been off-track myself for quite some time, I have great affinity for swervers. This is not the same as having sympathy for them, let alone having loose change for them. I'm too consumed with my own self pity. It is kind of the same difference as a homeless person and a hobo. A hobo/swerver is simply a lost soul who have a great life-story and might still get back on their feet, while Homeless/dakless people are serious and sad (even when holding up funny signs) and don't have a soul.
So, I would much prefer to be called a swerver than dakless - at least while I still have internet access. (Hint to people who are exploring their options of becoming homeless - McDonalds cafe's have wifi, so try to stake out territory within range. I hear blogging is a great way to dig your way out of being homeless. Either that, or get the E-book of the New Testament).

"If you see a swerver on the road, he's worth five points. (10 if you reverse over them)"
1 comment:
Hey Swerver,
I'm swerver, too. Not really my real name but i've been using the name as my online alter ego since 2K7.
I just chanced upon your article through dear uncle google. And this site about dutch and stuff looks awesome. :)
Anyhoo. The name swerver was really chosen by me thru random. It was a favorite word that time, maybe.
I like ur meaning for swerver here. Coz my conception of the word before was limited to "tennis" and something to do with "car driving".
It's nice to find a comrade. And your graphics are awesome!!! With ur permission, can I use it for my online avatar (with full credits)?
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